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Set up and enable Google auth for OmniAI

Setting up Google OAuth with Omni

This covers setting up an SSO connection with your Google app. The general process will be:

  1. Creating an OAuth Client ID in Google

  2. Verifying your Google account domain

  3. Configuring the application with your OmniAI callback url

To get started, visit:

If you already have a Google project configured, proceed to #creating-a-client. Otherwise first follow the steps to create a new project.

Create a new project

From the Google Console, create a new project.

Create an Oauth ID:

Under the "Create Credentials" section, create a new Oauth Client ID

Click "Configure Consent Screen" and create an External app.

Configure app details

On the next screen you can add app configuration, including name / logo / privacy policy / etc. This is the information that will be displayed when Google requests access to the user account during signup.

Authorize a Domain

Add permission scope

For the Omni authentication, we will just need the top level public permissions.

  • /auth/

  • /auth/userinfo.profile

  • openid

Optional: Add test users

Complete Registration

App registration is now complete. Scroll to the bottom and click "Back to Dashboard"

Publish App

From the dashboard you can click into your newly created app and click "Publish App"

Creating an OAuth Client

Once you have a Google project created, you can select OAuth Client ID again

Select the "Web Application" type. And add https://[your url]/api/auth/callback/google as the redirect URL.

Save Client ID and Secret

Once created, save down the Client ID and Secret.

Add Client ID & Secret to Docker Compose

To enable Google SSO, add the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET to the Docker container environment vatiables.

version: '1.01'
    image: omniai:latest
    container_name: omniai
      - "3000:3000"
      - "4000:4000"
      - pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/16/main
      - OMNI_PRODUCT_KEY=12345
      - GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=12345
    name: omni_pg_data

Last updated